Match TV channel won two nominations and received two awards. 

The winners of the TKT International Awards 2021 were announced at a ceremony held on December 21. These Awards recognize contributions to the development of the television and film industries. Based on the results of the vote, the broadcasts of the Zenit-Sochi and Zenit-Rubin football matches with the help of remote production technologies won the nomination “Sports project of the year”.

Vladislav Fedorov, the chief technology expert at Match TV, also won the nomination established in honor of Konstantin Pravotorkhov, “For personal contributions to engineering innovations in Russia’s television broadcasting.”

Match TV carried out the football match broadcasts using remote production technologies. The matches were filmed in St. Petersburg, while the editing of the final product was done in Moscow. To carry out a broadcast like this, a mobile television station must be used and there needs to be a large team of engineers and creative personnel on site. The engineers installed all the equipment in a stationary office, which made it possible to broadcast from a control room in Moscow, thus saving time and resources - not only material resources, but also human efforts.

The TKT International Awards were launched in 2011 by TKT magazine, which was established in 1957. It is one of the oldest magazines in the world covering broadcast technologies. The main goal of the Awards is to recognise achievements in the development of television companies.