For Volunteer Day, Gazprom-Media Holding studied how Russians do volunteer and charity work. The study was conducted throughout Russia jointly with GPM Data (Gazprom-Media Holding's Big Data Processing Center) and its partners OFD Platform and Atol Online.

The study's main conclusions are:

• charitable donations are made 3.7 times more often on average when shopping online than offline.

• Russians most often make symbolic donations of up to 10 rubles when buying goods, make contributions to churches, and pay fees for participation in charity races and events.

• this year, Russians have begun to spend much more on charitable online certificates. They are sold on marketplaces and the websites of charitable organizations. The average value of such donations has grown from 348 rubles in 2021 up to 574 rubles in 2022.

• despite economic and geopolitical instability, in 10 months of this year, Russian residents spent 55% more on charitable certificates than in all of 2021. The average monthly number of contributions increased by 13% compared to the same period in 2021. Analysts attribute the growing interest in charitable certificates to general anxiety amid economic instability: they are a way for people reduce their own levels of anxiety and help the most vulnerable groups, who are in particular need in times of crisis. In addition, there are new categories that need help.

• the top 10 regions by number of charitable donations this year are: Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Region, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, and Volgograd Regions, Tatarstan, and Rostov and Irkutsk Regions.

An online survey of Moscow residents was also conducted during the study. It showed that one third of respondents have volunteer experience, and 12% have volunteer books. The most popular type of volunteering in Moscow is helping people, followed by helping animals and event volunteering.