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13 December 2022

Aleksandr Zharov: Our people need examples of heroes

The 9th Innovative Practice: Science plus Business International Congress has begun in Moscow. It was organized by Innopraktika and Lomonosov Moscow State University. Aleksandr Zharov, CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding, took part in the plenary session opening the congress.

Natalya Popova, First Deputy General Director of Innopraktika, moderated the session on the theme "Comprehensive Russian Sovereignty: the Value of Combining the Efforts of Science, Business and Government," and Aleksandr Zharov was one of the speakers. He said that the channels of Gazprom-Media Holding have shown 237 Russian series and reality shows over the past three years, while most of the content was produced by the holding or specially for it. In addition, the film industry gained 185 new actors thanks to these projects.

We need to break the barriers between different generations, which will allow them to understand each other and speak the same language. We work with traditional values and find an audience among all generations. Our historical film Peter the Great: The Last Tsar and the First Emperor has attracted a huge audience and generated solid revenue at the box office, even though the film is about a man who lived in the 18th century. When it is presented correctly and organically, including for the younger generation, millions come to watch and it unites everyone. Our people need examples of heroes to move forward.
Aleksandr Zharov CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding

Aleksandr Taschin, the general producer of the Match TV channel, also spoke at the Congress at the "Innovative Technologies and the Renaissance of Russian Sports" round table.

We have learned how to shoot really cool series of the highest level, which means that we will be able to do the same with sports.
Aleksandr Taschin General Producer of the Match TV Channel

The speaker urged everyone who is passionate about sports not to be afraid to look for new formats, advised advertisers not to be afraid to spend money on sports, and advised viewers to watch our competitions.

Boris Khanchalyan, Deputy General Director of GPM RTV, noted the influence of entertainment television on public relations during his speech at the "Media Space as a Field of Competition between Deep Values and Counterculture" session. He said that it sets the fashion for certain phenomena and develops a set of rules and behaviors. At the same time, he noted that the blogosphere has also become a factor in the formation of public opinion, which has resulted in a shift in the information field.

The 9th Innovative Practice: Science plus Business Congress is attended by top officials and leading specialists of large Russian corporations, government agencies, development funds, investment companies, representatives of universities and research institutes, as well as high-tech Russian companies and enterprises.
