Sales house of regional advertising Alkasar Media and the leading seller of video advertising in Russian Internet Gazprom media digital (GPMD) renew the partnership. On November, 1 Alkasar Media became the exclusive representative of GPMD in 26 Russian regions.

Seller will sell advertisement to regional customers on Internet resources, which GPMD serves. Alkasar Media will offer regional partners the ad format ‘All-roll’, which includes three promotional items playing before, during or after the video content.

Alkasar Media will be able to advertise its clients on key platforms of GPMD: a professional system of distribution and monetization of legitimate video content Pladform, which is also running with social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, as well as Rutube, Tnt-online ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, holding’s Internet resources of Rambler & Co, websites of TV channels 2x2, TV-3, Friday!, the company NTV-plus and in the video network VideoRoll (20 partners).

In regions GPMD online platforms demonstrate high levels of traffic and coverage. According to statistics of the Seller, GPMD coverage of audience exceeded 1.2 million unique users and traffic was more than 28 million views in Ufa, in Chelyabinsk - 1 million unique visitors and more than 27 million views in August. In Nizhny Novgorod, the audience GPMD was 935 thousand, who viewed more than 22 million videos.

"The potential of Russian regional markets in the sphere of implementation of online advertising continues to be considerable, - says General Manager of Gazprom media Digital Natalya Dmitriyeva. - This year, Internet advertising is the only segment of the market, which shows positive dynamics and the segment of video advertising shows one of the highest rates of growth in the industry. For advertisers video advertising is the affordable tool to convey the message to target audience."

Regional Network Alkasar media recorded the growth of customer interest to placement in the Internet, - says CEO Alkasar media Peter Rybak. “At the moment, local advertisers have little or no access to modern technologies, advertising and statistics, and the largest city portals still prefer some increasingly outdated static ad formats. We expect that this interest of video advertising in the regions will only continue to grow in the coming years.”