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29 April 2022

Gazprom-Media Holding representatives take part in third Eurasian Women’s Forum

The third Eurasian Women’s Forum is taking place in St. Petersburg from 13-15 October. This is the largest international event that brings together female leaders to discuss the role of women in the world and come up with common approaches to solving global problems. The Federation Council of Russia’s Federal Assembly and the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly organised the Forum. Gazprom-Media Holding’s deputy CEO Yulia Golubeva and the general manager of PREMIER Sofya Mitrofanova took part in the event.

The Forum is held offline, but also uses some online platforms. It is dedicated to a wide range of tasks, such as the strengthening of women’s roles in the development of international cooperation, devising approaches for solving urgent challenges as well as ways to get women proactively involved in the modern global agenda. The key theme of the Forum is: “Women: A global mission in a new reality”.

The development of modern media was also discussed at the Forum. One of the events held on the first day of the Forum’s business program was the open dialogue called “Women in the media: Effective partnership in the information space”. Moderated by Gazprom-Media Holding’s deputy CEO Yulia Golubeva, the dialogue focused on the role women play in forming the information agenda, the development of media communication technologies and modern media, the challenges that women face in the media, the legal and ethical standards of the profession and the “female face” of journalism.

“In modern media, women should focus on what truly makes sense: projects and how to bring them to life, the results, the team and how to increase its productivity, the things that women in the media do brilliantly, and there are many such examples. It is worth noting that at Gazprom-Media Holding, the key evaluation criteria are always work results and all three deputy CEOs are women.”
Yulia Golubeva Deputy CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding

Yulia Golubeva also noted that women have an unprecedentedly large number of opportunities to start and develop a successful career in the modern media industry.

The discussion session “Global corporate responsibility on behalf of women” looked into the implementation of projects and programs that serve women’s interests within international organisations, large corporations and public associations. PREMIER’s general manager Sofya Mitrofanova took part in the session where the speakers discussed the measures necessary to achieve gender equality not only in the economic context, but across all spheres, as well as ways to support female leadership. In her presentation, Sofya Mitrofanova talked about how public opinion is formed through television broadcasts, the changes in the industry and what opportunities opened up for women during the pandemic.
