The fourth season of the show Tantsy (Dances) premiered on TNT channel on August 19. According to Mediascope data, TNT ranked in first place in the evening slot from 21:30 to 23:30 among an audience aged 14 to 44.

The premiere of the new season was watched by 18% of television viewers aged 14 to 44, which put TNT in first place in the evening slot. The share of television viewing among a youth audience aged 18 to 30 was higher and made up 22.7%.

Before the launch of Tantsy’s new season TNT carried out a global marketing campaign to promote the show. A day before the start of the new season the participants of the show held a master class in the Moscow metro at the stations Kitay-Gorod, Biblioteka Imeni Lenina and Pushkinskaya. On the day of the premiere TNT organized a large-scale online dance marathon in 23 cities of Russia, which united all the participants on the platform Adidas BASEMOSCOW in Gorky Park. Its online broadcast was accessible on the official TNT page in VKontakte. For 12 hours the hosts Dmitry Kozhoma, Ivan Pyshnenko, Stas Yarushin, Andrey Minin and Sergey Gorelikov talked to guests in live mode. The Moscow event was visited by more than 10,000 guests, while its video stream on the social network gathered around 4 million views.