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29 April 2022

Nikolay Kartozia at Russian Creative Week: “There is no point in stuffing the channel with meaningless content 24/7”

A Public Talk where Nikolay Kartozia, chief producer and general manager of Friday! and Subbota! TV channels, gave a presentation was held on August 26, the first day of Russian Creative Week. He described what a TV hit is and how to make it. The full presentation is available at this link:

Nikolay Kartozia told Public Talk attendees how to become a TV show participant, how to get a job on television, and what the difference is between making content for television and online platforms. 

However, the conversation kept returning to the question of what makes a real media hit, so Nikolay Kartozia also used his presentation to sum up how to determine whether a project will be successful on TV and online.
