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29 April 2022

​Gazprom-Media Holding bolsters PREMIER’s management team

Gazprom-Media Holding, the leading diversified media holding in Russia and Eastern Europe, has announced staffing changes in the management of its PREMIER video platform. Ivan Grodetsky became the service’s CEO as of June 16, while Timur Weinstein has been appointed to a special new position as its chief producer.

Before joining Gazprom-Media Holding’s team, Ivan Grodetsky has worked for more than a decade in the OKKO video service (previously called YotaPlay and Play), in which he served as general manager from 2015 to 2020. Ivan’s main task in his new role will be to expand PREMIER’s audience by developing new niches and attracting new subscribers, expanding the media library, enhancing further the technical capabilities of the service, and improving customer experience with the ultimate goal of making PREMIER one of the leaders on the online cinema market.

CEO of PREMIER video service Ivan Grodetsky said: “Thank you for the trust you bestowed in me. I am happy to join the star-studded team of Gazprom-Media. PREMIER is a platform with its own style and character. It has huge potential and a very outstanding, talented and focused team. Taking the updated technological base into consideration, I am optimistic about the prospects of this service, and it is interesting for me to lead the process of PREMIER’s quality transformation into a top-class digital product, which sets the trends on the market of streaming platforms.”

Timur Weinstein will combine his roles as chief producer of PREMIER video platform with his role as deputy general manager and chief producer of NTV channel, which he has held since 2015.

As the chief producer at NTV, Timur Weinstein is in charge of producing competitive content, broadcast programming, distribution, marketing and research. During his time at the helm, NTV not only strengthened its positions among the Top 3 TV leaders, but on multiple occasions has moved up to the runner-up spot, coming second only to the Russia 1 channel. The average daily share of the channel among an audience aged 18+ is 10.3% as of 2020, while its media indicators have shown growth across all commercially attractive audiences.

As the chief producer of PREMIER, Timur Weinstein will be in charge of forming the entire product and content strategy of the video service, overseeing its implementation, and looking for new formats and products. Collaboration with producers and creative teams that work on creating projects for PREMIER will also fall under his area of jurisdiction.

Chief producer of PREMIER video service Timur Weinstein said: “In the context of a rapidly growing OTT market, the creation of their own unique content library is becoming one of the main tasks facing media companies in Russia and around the world. Video platforms are already battling it out with television channels to get premieres of individual successful films and series, and the largest catalogues of domestic and international media heavyweights. It is incredibly pleasing and interesting for me to become a part of PREMIER’s team. I will use my many years of experience in the television and production industry to put together a competitive, original content offer, which would be able to attract, maintain and monetise the audience.”

CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding, Alexander Zharov, commented on the new appointments: “In the current environment, the video platforms are facing a big challenge - to convert the explosive growth in content consumption into a dynamically growing business. The competition in this industry is growing by the day - we are fighting for the viewer’s attention, for his time. PREMIER is a key element in our strategy of digital transformation. Thus, it was critical for us to bolster its management team with strong and professional leaders. Ivan Grodetsky has an ambitious task before him - to make PREMIER one of the leaders on the market of streaming services by expanding the content offer and improving the technical qualities of the video service. Ivan has ample experience in successfully developing online cinemas. Now he can fully focus on the mission to develop PREMIER and take it to a new level. I am very happy that the PREMIER team got a new member in Timur Weinstein, who will continue to serve as chief producer at another company of the Holding, NTV channel. I am certain that Timur will be able to shine a spotlight on the full competitive advantage of PREMIER - a great amount of exclusive, high-quality content that is produced by our own production studios and film companies.”
