The winners of the photo competition OBYEKTIVnaya Blagotvoritelnost (Charity Through a Lens) were awarded on October 1, 2021 as part of the annual Donors Forum conference. 

Gazprom-Media Holding became a member of the Donors Forum, an association of the largest grant-giving organisations, in 2021 and offered its support for the photo story competition OBYEKTIVnaya Blagotvoritelnost. The Holding founded two nominations. The first, called “Inclusion story”, centers on inclusion issues, while the second is dedicated to medical workers, “Medics. The Fight for Life”. The best works were selected based on a vote by jury, which included Gazprom-Media Holding’s managers and employees as well as members of the Gazprom-Media Volunteer Centre.

In 2021, Gazprom-Media Holding systematised its CSR initiatives and formed its own PRO program. The program includes three main areas: PRO_Sodeistvie (PRO_Support) for the development of young, socially significant initiatives, PRO_Sozdanie (PRO_Creation) for creating its own social projects, and the program to support external partner projects PRO_Uchastie (PRO_Participation).

A photo exhibition featuring the works of the winners as well as those of competition finalists will be presented on Gazprom-Media Holding’s online and offline platforms.