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29 April 2022

GPM Radio general manager Yuri Kostin takes part in educational marathon organised by Russia’s Znanie society

On September 2, the general manager of GPM Radio, Yuri Kostin, held a meeting with schoolchildren at his alma mater, Moscow school No.17. The meeting was part of the country-wide initiative “Share your knowledge” of the 2nd Novoe Znanie (New Knowledge) education marathon.

Yuri Kostin is the head of the largest radio holding in Russia, a well-known media manager, journalist and writer. He spoke to 10th grade students about the dreams he had when he was their age, how he chose his profession, developed business plans, what GPM Radio is like and how it works on the inside. The conversation touched on the important themes of following personal principles, setting goals and the future of Russia, the responsibility for which the current schoolchildren will soon take upon themselves.
