The awards ceremony for the winners of the contest Best Legal Departments 2019 was held in Moscow on November 15. The magazine Korporativnyi Yurist is the founder of the contest.

Gazprom-Media’s legal department, headed by Dmitry Chudakov, won in the nomination “Mass media, culture and education”.

The contest included 96 legal departments of Russian and foreign companies that work in Russia. In addition to Gazprom-Media, the nomination also featured the legal departments of Amedia, TASS, RBC, Public.Ru and Easy School.

The goal of the annual contest, “Best Legal Departments of Russia”, is to promote public recognition of the professional success stories of corporate lawyers, spread best practices in putting together legal services and managing legal risks among Russian companies, unite the professional community of lawyers and to increase the general status of the legal profession.

The competition’s winners are determined by an expert council, which includes partners of leading Russian and international law firms, as well as representatives of state institutions.