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29 April 2022

Gerda wins two awards at Locarno Film Festival: “Best actress” and “Young jury award”

The drama film Gerda, directed by Natalya Kudryashova, took part in the main competition of the Locarno Film Festival where it won the “Best actress” nomination. The Golden Leopard statuette went to debutante actress Anastasia Krasovskaya. The film also received a special award from the festival’s youth jury.

Central Partnership and Russkoe Vozrozhdenie co-produced Gerda with the support of the Russian Ministry of Culture, Kinoprime Foundation for the Development of Modern Cinematography and Red Media film company. White Nights is the film’s distributor in Russia while Kinology is its international distributor. Central Partnership, Red Media and White Nights are part of GPM KIT Group of Companies (part of Gazprom-Media Holding). 

Gerda will be released in movie theatres in the fall of 2021.
