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28 September 2022

Gazprom-Media Holding experts talk about how to decide on a profession

Alfia Gafurova, Gazprom-Media Holding's Corporate Social Responsibility curator, talked about how to choose a profession at the “PROfnavigator: How Can School Students Make Use of Their Talents?” interactive public talk.
The event took place on September 27 during the first Digital Security Festival in Moscow at the Central Children’s Store on Lubyanka Square. Students and curators of Moscow media classes participated in the public talk, which was broadcast live on RUTUBE.
Almost 90% of school students polled as part of a project of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are not sure which profession they want to pursue. Alfia Gafurova listed three key conditions for choosing correctly:
•    Your abilities are in line with the specialization chosen
•    You are really ready to devote years to it
•    You have learned everything about the profession on an employer’s platform
To introduce senior high school students to media industry professions, Gazprom-Media Holding is developing and implementing the “PROfnavigator” educational program, a series of events to provide first-hand information about working in the media. School students visit the studios of TV channels, radio stations, and the sets of TV series, where they interview actors, presenters, directors, script writers, brand managers, and other professionals and record podcasts and publish articles.

PROfnavigator provides them with the opportunity to uncover their talents and decide on a profession in media sphere. School children often do not have any idea of the actual life of a potential employer, and we allow them to take a dip in the industry and learn more about it behind-the-scenes from professionals. The project creates a real-world, interesting, and safe environment for the development of young children and teenagers.
Alfia Gafurova Corporate Social Responsibility Curator, Gazprom-Media Holding

At the public talk, school children shared their experiences of participating in the “PROfnavigator” program:
Victoria V., 11th grade, School No. 1329: “When we arrived at the set of the series TanyaSasha, we were sure that it would be a studio tour. But we could not imagine that we would actually participate and have a hand in the production. It was a really cool experience. When you watch a TV series, it is an ideal picture for 24 minutes. In fact, the main characters’ apartment on the set looks completely different, and the production team is very busy.”
Egor G., 10th grade, School No. 1329: “During the tour, we saw the unusual office of GPM KIT, and Georgy Ryumin, its Creative Producer, told us what a media company’s work is like We were shown a full-length cartoon, and then had the opportunity to ask its director, an established professional, questions about it. The talk with the film director was friendly, and I had an interesting experience, because I want to commit myself to cinematography and am currently practicing, shooting short movies.”
Uliana D., media class student, School No. 1571: “We met representatives of Gazprom-Media a few times at various events. There are few large entities that are so open to us, school students. I want to thank the ‘Media Volunteering’ project in particular.”
Margarita I., media class student, School No. 1571: “I experienced new emotions at the public talk, acting for the first time as a speaker on the air. It was nice that the hostess provided us with support and took an interest in our impressions of the events our media class visited. I am sure that the experience will be useful for me and will help me come out of shell.”
The Digital Security Festival was held on September 25–27. It was organized by the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment, of which Gazprom-Media Holding is a member. A Detskoe Radio (part of GPM Radio of Gazprom-Media Holding) mobile studio also operated at the festival’s site. Young listeners were interviewed by the radio station’s special correspondent and shared their knowledge of Internet safety. The children's most interesting and useful advice for their age-mates will be gathered for a topical run of the “Developing together” TV show devoted to digital security on Detskoe Radio.
