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23 April 2024

Aleksandr Zharov Speaks at the World of Opportunities International forum in Dubai

Aleksandr Zharov, CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding, took part in the World of Opportunities international business forum currently taking place in Dubai (UAE) with the support of the Roscongress Foundation. Insight People production center is the general information partner of the event.

In his welcome speech, Aleksandr Zharov noted the importance of the historical accession of new countries to BRICS, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, and mentioned Russia’s chairmanship in the association in 2024.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, said that Russia’s chairmanship would be devoted to working towards a fair world order, in which many countries were interested. I believe that World of Opportunities will become a harbinger of large-scale events to take place within Russia’s chairmanship in BRICS. The BRICS summit will be held in Kazan in October, and the BRICS Games involving athletes from over 50 countries will take place in June. This event will be covered by Match TV, the national sports channel, part of Gazprom-Media Holding.
Aleksandr Zharov CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding

In the plenary session “Window to the East: Opportunities for Trade and Business in the UAE” held with the participation of the Russian-Emirates Business Council, Aleksandr Zharov emphasized that Gazprom-Media Holding had long considered cooperation with the UAE as a promising area, and withdrawal of European content from Russia became a catalyst.

We came to the United Arab Emirates a year and a half ago in order to film Survive in Dubai, an original reality show highly successful in Russia, and the second season starts very soon. After the TNT channel aired Survive in Samarkand, a show with similar mechanics, which we filmed in Uzbekistan, the number of viewers considering Samarkand as an attractive travel destination increased by 11%. We assume that it works in much the same way with the UAE.
Aleksandr Zharov CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding

Competence, a commitment to innovation and a business approach – this is how Aleksandr Zharov described the partnership in the media with Arab colleagues and announced the start of filming a new project in Dubai, a series for the TNT channel. He added: “Every nation has its own cultural identity, and we share common traditional values with the UAE. I’m sure that our collaboration will help us find that happy medium that allows us to produce a product equally interesting to both the Arab and Russian audiences.”

World of Opportunities is the largest business event that brings together Russian and international business leaders for cooperation in new global conditions. This is the leading platform promoting the interests of Russian business abroad and the No. 1 event for companies and investors seeking to develop business in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

TNT, Insight People and Match TV are part of Gazprom-Media Holding.
