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29 April 2022

TNT4 surpasses Netflix in Golden Trailer Awards

The ceremony for the most prestigious award in the area of film marketing, the Golden Trailer Awards, took place in Los Angeles, USA on May 29. The competition features advertising campaigns from the largest film studios in the world.

Russian TV channel TNT4 beat world giant Netflix in the Best Foreign TV Spot nomination with its trailer “Odinakovo Moschnoe Kino” (Equally Powerful Cinema).

The TNT4 trailer has already won at the PromaxBDA UK 2018 television promo awards (three awards in various categories: gold, silver, bronze) and Promax Europe 2019 (two gold). At the Golden Trailer Awards, TNT4 was also presented in other nominations alongside creations by Netflix, Warner Bros, Marvel Studios and HBO.

Gavriil Gordeev, TNT4 director: “We are pleased to receive Hollywood’s feedback, especially on the eve of an important premiere. TNT 4 will soon show Prozharka Po-Gollivudski (Hollywood Roast) - these are the best releases of the American version of the hate show. Then you will clearly see that TNT4 and Hollywood not only have equally powerful trailers, but also equally powerful ‘roasts’.”
