NTV channel series Hozhdenie po Mukam (The Road to Calvary) made it onto the short list of the prestigious international awards Drama Innovation Content in the nomination “Best debut drama series.” The awards ceremony for the winners will take place on October 14 in Cannes as part of MIPCOM 2018.

In the nomination “Best debut drama series” the awards jury, first of all, assesses the quality of the series’ production. The premiere of the 12-episode feature film took place on NTV in November 2017 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, while the international premiere of the series took place earlier in Cannes at the annual MIPCOM telemarket.

In the fall, NTV’s large-scale historical series will be seen by the viewers of the Greek television channel ERT3. There are also talks underway about acquiring the rights to show the series Hozhdenie po Mukam in more than 10 countries.

Hozhdenie po Mukam is the screen adaptation of an epic novel of the same name by Alexey Tolstoy, which tells about the groundbreaking events that shook Russia from 1914 to 1919. The main roles in the series - the Bulaviny sisters - were played by Yuliya Snigir and Anya Chipovskaya. Dasha Bulavina (Anya Chipovskaya) comes from her hometown Samara to St. Petersburg to study law. She lives with her older sister Katya (Yuliya Snigir) and her husband, lawyer Nikolay Smokovnikov. As Dasha discovers the lives of the Northern capital’s creative bohemians, she is charmed by a young poet Alexey Bessonov. But one evening the calm family life falls apart: it turns out that Bessonov has stolen the heart of her married sister. After the infidelity is revealed, the spouses go their separate ways while Dasha meets Ivan Telegin (Leonid Bichevin), an engineer from the Baltic factory.