The new comedy series God Kultury (Year of Culture), featuring Fyodor Bondarchuk in the lead role, will debut on the OTT-platform of TNT-PREMIER (part of Gazprom-Media Holding) on November 22. TNT created the series together with Comedy Club Production (part of Gazprom-Media Holding) and Art Pictures film company. The project was produced by Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov (Univer, Interns, Comedy Woman and Tantsy), Semyon Slepakov (Univer, SashaTanya, HB) and Artur Janibekyan, founder of Comedy Club Production.
The plot tells the story of a Moscow official from the Ministry of Education, Viktor Sychev, played by Fyodor Bondarchuk. It emerges during the direct line with the Russian president that the official is negligent in his work. As punishment, Viktor Sychev is sent on a long-term business trip to the provincial town of Verkhneyamsk. The town has a university that Sychev must make one of the 100 best education institutions in the country. If he fails, he will lose his job. Famous actors Maria Akhmetzyanova, Rinal Mukhametov, Alexander Lykov, Alexander Yatsenko and others also act in the series.