Starting December 7, PREMIER video service subscribers will have exclusive access to the new action-packed detective series Volk (The Wolf), a show based on Alexander Terekhov’s novel Kamenny Most (Stone Bridge) about an investigation into the tragic lives of children of the Soviet party elites and which gives viewers insight into how much this story reflects current events.

KIT Film Studio (part of Gazprom Media through GPM KIT) and WeiT Media produced it, while Weinstein, Rafael Minasbekyan, Yulia Sumacheva and Dzhanik Fayziev were chief producers. 

Starring Denis Shvedov, it also features performances by Sergey Makovetsky, Artur Smolyaninov, Anton Vasiliev, Vitaly Khaev, Marina Zudina, Igor Yasulovich, Elena Podkaminskaya, Ilya Lyubimov, Linda Lapinsh and others. This action-packed show premiers on NTV in 2021.