The Gazprom-Media Volunteer Centre took part in a tree planting event on May 29 as part of the Sad Pamyati (Garden of Memory) international campaign. The campaign is organised by the country-wide Volontyory Pobedy (Volunteers of Victory) movement and the Victory Commanders’ Memorial Fund, with the support of Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Federal Forestry Agency as part of the broader “Ecology” national project, as well as the All-Russian Society of Nature Conservation. Sad Pamyati is dedicated to the memory of the 27 million people who died in the Great Patriotic War and people from around the world - from Washington to Chukotka’s Anadyr - now take part in it.

Gazprom-Media Holding employees as well as those of TNT, Match TV and other channels participated in the tree planting efforts. They dedicated their initiative to the unknown pilot whose plane was shot down in December 1941 near Palitsy village. It was impossible to establish his name and military unit. There is a guess that his name was Arkady and this is the name that was engraved on the monument erected in 1957.

Organisers initially estimated that 27 million trees will be planted as part of the Sad Pamyati campaign. However, by early June that number already exceeded 27.2 million. And the campaign is not over yet - there are plans to continue it next year.

This is not the first time that Gazprom-Media Holding has supported environmental projects. Such projects are part of the company’s corporate social responsibility policy and also align with the personal initiatives of its employees. In 2020, the Holding joined the “Forest conservation” federal project, which is part of the national “Ecology” project. The Holding’s employees planted more than 10,000 young pines as part of that effort.