PROfnavigator, an applied educational project by Gazprom-Media Holding, has won the 2022 ESG EXCELLENCE AWARD in the Best Practice in Young Talent Development category. The official award ceremony was part of the second Sustainable Development of Territories and Human Potential Forum in Moscow.
PROfnavigator is the first project that allows schoolchildren to be immersed in the media industry. Its target audience is students of Moscow schools majoring in media. They have been given a unique opportunity to develop their talents, express themselves, and choose professions in the media field. As part of the project, the students visit the filming sets of TV series and the studios of TV channels and radio stations. They also interview actors, news anchors, directors, screenwriters, brand managers, and other media professionals. The project has allowed them to try their own hands at presenting TV shows, recording podcasts with expert guests, and preparing newspaper articles.
PROfnavigator is a unique gateway to the professional backstage of the media world, offering a wealth of firsthand knowledge that could become a decisive factor when students choose their future professions.
The program is being implemented through the efforts and initiatives of the companies of Gazprom-Media Holding, without the involvement of other partners or contractors. All videos from PROfnavigator events are available on the project’s RUTUBE channel.
PROfnavigator has also won a diploma in the Education and Science category at Russia’s Best Social Project 2022, and it ranked 1st in the regional segment of the #WEARETOGETHER international award.