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10 December 2020

The Silver Skates Has Been Released in Movie Theaters

The adventure film The Silver Skates was released in Russian movie theaters on December 10. 

The film is a collaboration between Central Partnership, GPM KIT, Kinoslovo, and Nikita Mikhalkov’s TriTe studio, with the Russia 1 TV channel also participating. Pyotr Anurov, Leonid Vereshchagin, Anton Zlatopolsky, Rafael Minasbekyan and Nikita Mikhalkov were the film’s producers. Central Partnership is handling the distribution of the film.

Roman Kantor wrote the script and the movie was directed by Mikhail Lokshin, a well-known advertising director and video maker. The Silver Skates marks his debut in full-feature films. It was also a debut for Fyodor Fedotov and Sonya Priss, two budding actors from St. Petersburg who played the leading roles.

The film is based on the 1865 novel The Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge, which recounts the adventures of a young brother and sister living in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century. In the film, the events take place in St. Petersburg at Christmastime. The city’s ice-covered rivers and canals are alight with festive spirit and, as the century comes to a close, fate brings together two people who were never destined to meet. They are from completely different worlds. Matvey is the son of a lamplighter and the only thing of value he possesses are silver-plated skates that he inherited. Alisa is the daughter of a major state official who dreams of science. Each of these children faces challenges, but once they meet, their fates intertwine in incredible ways.

Central Partnership is handling the film’s promotion together with Gazprom Media Sales House (with its Kantata tool).
